Thursday, October 23, 2008

iPhone headset no sound during playback fix

So there is this problem with the iPhone that STILL seems to exist. You're listening to whatever and then you pause it. When you go to press play again, there is no sound. This issue is well documented as being a problem with the headset jack. In fact, based on what I've read, Apple even tells you to simply plug and unplug the headset multiple times until the sound comes back. Lame!

Well a week or so ago while doing laundry and listening to a record episode of the Howard Stern show, this problem happened. I started fumbling with the headset jack with very little success. Finally, I was messing with it for so long, I missed like 3 minutes worth of show! So I pressed and held the skip track button on the left side to rewind it a bit and all of a sudden the sound came back!

Tonight, this problem happened again. So I did the fix and sure enough it worked right away. Next time this happens, I will drop everything and take a video to post here to try to demonstrate what I am talking about. But in the meantime, if you are lost and happen to stumble across this then I hope this helps even just a little bit.


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